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Mediator for Catholic Diocese


Retained by a Catholic diocese for claim valuation and pre-suit mediation in sexual abuse claim. Provided counsel to victim, and mediated settlement.


Result: After a compassionate settlement and resolution, the victim asked to receive Catholic sacraments and was reconciled to his faith.



Valuation Services for Religious Entities and Organizations (Multiple)


Valuation services and liability analysis in sexual misconduct claims for various religious denominations. Assisted in settlements of abuse claims with fair and supportable claim valuations, and negotiated compassionate and cost-effective resolutions.


Results: Fair, compassionate, expedited and cost-effective abuse claim resolutions.



Distribution of Global Settlement; Coverage Counsel for Settled Claims


Assisted Catholic diocese at arbitration and helped allocate a global settlement of sexual abuse claims. Provided expert valuations of individual settlements. Represented the diocese in coverage litigation, and negotiated recovery of millions of dollars in insurance proceeds.


Result: A compassionate arbitration; fair settlements; multi-million dollar insurance recovery; and settlement of coverage disputes to help insurers close books on volatile “long-tail claims”—a win-win-win.



Expert Risk, Liability and Coverage Analysis for Structured Finance Insurer


Helped structured finance insurer with expert risk analyses to assess sexual misconduct liability exposure and to help determine whether to underwrite bond issuances for religious entities. Performed expert assessments of risk and liability exposures, claim values, risk management programs and insurance coverage.


Result: In-depth risk analyses informed and supported client’s decisions to help religious entities obtain bond financing—a win-win.



Independent Audit Services


Independent audit of and report on Catholic religious order’s files, claims handling history and sexual abuse policies.


Result: Identified abuse risks and helped provincial minister and council assess and improve effectiveness of claims handling, pastoral outreach and preventive measures.



Expert Witness and Valuation Analysis for Cedent in Reinsurance Arbitration


Expert witness for the cedent in a reinsurance arbitration arising out of underlying clergy sexual abuse claims. Provided expert analysis, opinions and testimony regarding liability exposure and values.


Result: A multi-million dollar arbitration award for the cedent-client.



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